  • And the stars saw it all, Reznikova 1

And the stars saw it all, Reznikova

   398 c

It was their mother who separated them on a cold night in January. The young woman was powerless to cope with the problems haunting her. She left her two-month-old daughter on the porch of a house belonging to a childless couple in Georgia, having taken an oath to tell no one. She took the other twin with her to Russia, hoping the secret would never be discovered. The young woman had no idea of the impact that event would have on her destiny and the lives of her twin daughters.
Thirty-five years passed before the twin sisters Svetlana and Tamara first saw each other. God alone can unite what people have torn apart.


Principal Characters
Part 1. Trials
Part 2. Sisters
Part 3. Changes
About the Author
Cultural-Historical Notes

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And the stars saw it all, Reznikova 1

  • Модель: 1
  • Наличие: Есть в наличии
  • Просмотров: 3118
  • $25.00

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