  • Betsy's return, Wanda Brunstetter

Betsy's return, Wanda Brunstetter

  221 page

Relive the glory of a Pennsylvania canal town through the eyes of those who ministered to the needs of the workers. Betsy Nelson reluctantly returns to her childhood home to care for her failing father, a faithful minister who served the town for years. William Covington, a confirmed bachelor, comes to town to become the new pastor and set aside the luxuries of this birth for service to God. Can Betsy and William find common ground on which to work together for the better of the townspeople?

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Betsy's return, Wanda Brunstetter

  • Модель: 1
  • Наличие: Есть в наличии
  • Просмотров: 3612
  • $10.00

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