  • Emma, Jane Austen, used book

Emma, Jane Austen

Jane Austen began to write Emma in January of 1814 and finished it a little over a year later, in March of 1815. At the time of completion, Austen was thirty-nine years old. Emma was published at the end of 1815, with 2,000 copies being printed—563, more than a quarter, were still unsold after four years. She earned less than forty pounds from the book during her lifetime, though it earned more after her death. Austen died a year and a half after publication. [Source: The Cambridge Companion To Jane Austen, Edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster, Cambridge University Press, 1997.]

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Emma, Jane Austen, used book

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  • Просмотров: 3433
  • $7.00

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