  • Prophet, Frank Peretti

Prophet, Frank Peretti

412 pages

John Barrett, anchorman for the city's most-watched newscast, is a man suddenly lost in a town he thought he owned. His comfortable world is being jarred to the breaking point.

He's caught his producer fabricating a story and lying to cover her tracks—and she seems to be hiding something much bigger. His supposedly professional and objective colleagues have descended into a dogfight over the meaning of truth. His father's "accidental" death suddenly isn't looking so accidental. And John's estranged son, Carl, has returned to get the truth about the man behind the TV image. All of these events pale in comparison to the mysterious voices that John is hearing

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Prophet, Frank Peretti

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  • Наличие: Есть в наличии
  • Просмотров: 3598
  • $10.00

Prophet, Frank Peretti, христианская литература в сша, книги в США, библия, русская библия, книга, купить книгу, russian books, Russian bible, Есфирь